Elisabetta Russo


Elisabetta Russo


Winner Best female vocal at the Hollywood Music Awards 2011

News slideshow

LLS ORCHESTRA at Disney Music Hall

Embark on a starlit musical odyssey with the LLS Orchestra under the baton of its Music Director, Maestro Simona Grossi! Savor the intoxicating blend of Gershwin’s Parisian romance, Ellington’s jazz mystique, and the sultry allure of Ravel sung by the divine Elisabetta Russo. Be part of history with the thrilling world premiere by James J. Alvarez. This is the ultimate summer night's dream, perfect for romance and soulful retreat - book your tickets for this music enchantment now.

Elisabetta sings
with Andrea Boccelli

Copyright © 2022 Elisabetta Russo - Soprano